Neptune Retrograde - The beginning of the end

Neptune Retrograde - The beginning of the end

Neptune, the planet associated with collective consciousness, spirituality, dreams, illusion, and creativity, goes retrograde on July 2, 2024. As it moves through the 29th degree of Pisces, the final degree of the Zodiac, Neptune aims to fully experience the essence of Pisces one last time before transitioning into Aries in 2026. This signifies a completion and fresh start at as Aries is the beginning of the Zodiac. Neptune takes approximately 165 years to orbit the entire zodiac so this is a very big deal to be living through this completion, among other major planetary aspects involved as well. 


What can we expect?

This period is favorable for making dreams come true and uncovering hidden talents. Your creative potential may ignite, leading to new and inspiring projects. There will be also be broader scale spiritual awakenings. This retrograde may lift the veil on what has been concealed, helping you see truths that were hidden in plain sight. It's an excellent time to go within yourself to discover your true desires in this lifetime. Deep reflection and introspection are encouraged to align with your authentic self. You may also begin to perceive people in your life differently, revealing their true nature. Authenticity will become more important as falsehoods become more apparent. Avoid rushing into decisions regarding relationships. Take the time to introspect and determine who truly deserves your time and energy. This period calls for careful consideration and deep, spiritual reflection. 


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